Monday, 8 April 2019

Soup Kitchen (Relieving the Hunger Project)

Lions present: OC PP Peter Lip, Co-OC Liew Shee Leong, President Eugene Ong, 2nd Vice President Evonne Chen, Secretary Jimmy Chua, Membership Chairperson PP T. Sriskanda, Tamer N. Rathakrishnan and a friend of Lions.

Venue: Masjid Kpg Paloh, Ipoh.

No. of participant: 85

P/s - Just for A's sake we manage to get a wefie from NR. Hope this makes your day A.😀


  1. A should see this!
    Welcome back NR.
    The wefie is back and all of them look so relax and happy.

  2. I wonder if someone remind NR to take wefie or he himself have A in mind when taking the wefie. Haha

  3. Oh my@?! Where is A???
    Haha EO still didnt joint NR wefie.

    1. NR drop by just for the wefie N.
      EO had not arrived at that time.

  4. Guys! Im a bit shy to read this entry. Haha thank yo.

    Ps - it did makes my day happier. Hihi

    1. A, what is there to be shy about? Your request was granted. You must have a guardian angel in LCIH looking after you.


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